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Società Dante Alighieri wants to be a promoter of peace and understanding among peoples to develop mutual understanding and cultural cooperation between the Nations
About Dante Alighieri
What's different about
la Dante?
The Dante Alighieri Society in Pietermaritzburg is part of La Societá Dante Alighieri in Rome, one of the five European Cultural Associations in Europe. We are proud, that although we were the youngest branch of the Societá Dante Alighieri in South Africa, we were the first to introduce the EU-recognized PLIDA (Progetto Lingua Italiana Dante Alighieri) examinations in this country.​ Starting from 2008 up today we have taught 140 adults and 366 young students and in 2009 we inaugurated a library which houses in excess of 2500 volumes, the initial 200 books coming directly from Florence, many of great value and interest.
​​​Whether you want to learn Italian foryour job or university studies, everyday life, or just personal interest, La Dante can guarantee rapid progress thanks to:​
• highly qualified Native teachers
• small classes, and a high level of individual attention
• a wide range of cultural & social events in Pietermaritzburg
• La Dante Library
Gold Medal Award in Education
It was a great date: 10th September 2012​. The decision to start teaching Italian in Pietermaritzburg got its unexpected prize. The results obtained in this short period have been outstanding in such an extent that the Presidency in Rome, in the person of Ambassador Bruno Bottai, decided to award Pietermaritzburg Director with a special “Diploma di Benemerenza - Medaglia d’Oro” .​The ceremony was attended by about 75 people and it was the occasion to hail the first visit of an Italian delegation over the 100 years of the presence of SOCIETA’ DANTE ALIGHIERI in South Africa. It was a great success and the Italian Delegation composed of Dr. Alessandro Masi, Secretary General of Societa’ Dante Alighieri in Rome, Dr. Eugenio Vender, Manager of the foreign committees of Societa’ Dante Alighieri, Prof.ssa Monica Gozzini Turelli, Manager of the School Office at the Italian General Consulate in Johannesburg, and the Honorary Italian Consul in Durban, Ing. Costantino Buccimazza. All of them were highly impressed by the interest and the enthusiasm showed by the students and by the Members of Societa’ Dante Alighieri PMB for the Italian language and culture. Dr. Masi delivered a nice speech about the importance to study it for its contents of history, culture and civilisation that still today are present and are followed by many people around the world.

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